Rethinking Your Inking?

Laser Tattoo Removal

The History of Tattoos


Since the dawn of time, people have marked their skin through the practice of tattooing, with tools being discovered across the globe from Scandinavia to the Philippines. Ötzi the Iceman, a mummy found in the Ötz valley in the Alps, dating from the 5th to 4th millennium BC, possesses the oldest surviving tattoos. Ancient civilisations used tattoos for a variety of reasons – in the Philippines they were rank marks, Egyptians used tattoos as methods of healing and religious worship, and the Celts used them as marks of accomplishment.

However, as Christianity swept across the world, tattooing started to be considered pagan, barbaric and uncivilised, slowly falling out of favour, but the start of transoceanic journeys brought indigenous people, who were often tattooed, into the country. As a result, tattooing started to become acceptable once more.

At first, this new wave of tattoos was seen as the province of the lower classes and sea travellers, but in time, as artists became more skilled, it was adopted by the aristocracy. But then, in the see-saw history of tattoos, it became cheaper to have good quality tattoos, due to improved tools, they, once more, became the symbol of the lower classes, and the socially deviant.

It remained this way until 1960s, when it slowly started to be seen as an acceptable art form and a way to self-express. Even Barbie had tattoos, and nowadays we all are wearing tattoos.

Tattoo Removal

If you’re not as in love with your tattoo as you once were, you’re in luck as they can be removed using modern picosecond pulse technology. Laser tattoo removal is a safe and effective way to get the job done. The British Institute of Lasers offers an incredible tattoo removal machine called Nu Tatouage Plus that can be operated via a footswitch or the handpiece, and comes together with free training either at your salon or at our premises.

The way that Nu Tatouage Plus works is by directing light from the laser into the tattoo ink particles under the skin which then absorb the light from the laser, allowing the untattooed skin to remain untouched. These particles through the heat of the laser break down into even tinier particles, which over the next few days, get flushed away via the immune system.

Several appointments may be necessary to break down larger, darker tattoos.

Most salons and clinics use Q-switched lasers – such as the Nu Tatouage Plus. Rather than a solid beam, these fire rapid pulses. These laser energy pulses, breakdown the ink which is harmlessly flushed through the body.

Different colours of tattoo ink absorb light differently, and Q-Switched lasers are able to target the darker colours particularly effectively, often removing them completely. Yellows and greens, however, can take more sessions to remove.

So, whilst it’s still a case of thinking before inking, if you’ve grown to regret that tattoo, there is help available. If you’re looking for a reliable tattoo removal machine that comes with lifetime support and free training either at your salon or our premises, take a look at the Q-Switched Nu Tatouage Plus tattoo removal machine. We often offer discounts and great deals and are among the most competitive laser machine providers on the market.

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